Fintech Evaluation Services

While working closely with our key banking customers over the last year, SRA developed a Fintech Partner Due Diligence Framework and cloud-based digital assessment tool to help banks monitor, track and identify risks related to their fintech vendors. Our goal is to ensure fintech’s appropriately support the strategic and financial goals of the bank. The framework and evaluation was designed to support the initial risk assessment review and ongoing monitoring of the fintech, as well as the financial profile and health of each partner. What’s unique is SRA’s ongoing monitoring services through Watchtower, an integrated risk and performance platform that establishes KPI’s and KRI’s for a banks fintech partnership program. Let us do the heavy lifting to monitor your fintech partners so you can rest easy at night.

“Meet FinTechs where they are now – with technology.
Prove to regulators the Bank is covering risk with
detailed analysis grounded in technology.”

SRA's fintech services

We connect Banks & FinTechs based on your specific needs and match you with the FinTechs who can meet your needs, offering:

Diligence for Fintech Partners

Product Integration Planning

Ongoing Monitoring of Fintech partners & program

Technology / Security Risk
& Data Management

no lift. no as in zero

Cloud Based Solution
Watchtower resides on AWS

No enterprise software
lift for the bank

Automatic Quarterly updates
& Monitoring added
to Watchtower

SRA will even provide
the training to use the tool
All you need is internet access & a password

SRA's 5 step approach


Credit Risk Management

Compliance Management

Operation Risk Management

Risk & Data Management

Register here for a 30 minute discovery session

cyber security compliance framework