Michael Glotz Joins AABD Podcast

Michael Glotz Joins AABD Podcast

November 3, 2021

Top 10 Questions You Should be Asking about Enterprise Risk Management | Calling All Bank Directors Ep. 40

Host and American Association of Board of Directors (AABD) President David Baris is joined by Michael Glotz, co-founder and CEO of SRA Watchtower, on the AABD Calling All Board of Directors Podcast. David and Michael talk about how to advise bank boards of directors on key ERM questions such as:

  • Does your bank have an ERM policy?
  • Does that policy contain a risk framework (and what are the components of that framework)?
  • Does the framework define responsibilities for the three lines of defense?
  • Are management committee responsibilities defined to oversee identified risks?
  • Has the board established a framework in which to oversee the numerous risks facing your institution?

Michael also addresses the importance of management frequently identifying the main risks facing bank for the benefit of management and the board. He also goes into detail on how management is addressing those risks, reporting on key strategic initiatives, and how management is addressing the risks to achieving those initiatives.

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Calling All Bank Directors is the podcast of the American Association of Bank Directors. AABD has been your advocate since 1989 and our podcast, hosted by AABD President David Baris, is designed to keep you well informed to help protect both you and your bank.

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