SRA Watchtower was Built for This

SRA Watchtower was Built for This

Our Clients' Strength is Our True Measure of Success

A recently published Gartner blog states that banks must make enterprise risk management a top priority.

Ten years ago, SRA Watchtower understood this and created a technology platform, SRA Watchtower, transforming how banks and financial institution manage their risk and performance.

Organizations who adopted SRA Watchtower are now infinitely better positioned than their industry peers. Although they are dealing with the same unprecedented reality of a pandemic, they will emerge intact and indeed stronger as a result.

Here’s why:

  1. Their key risk activities are recorded in a standardized and indisputable general ledger  
  2. All of their risk dimensions are integrated
  3. Risks are transparent and known by key people immediately
  4. Executives can address risks before they become problems
  5. They have a common language supporting a risk-aware culture
  6. Risks are visible and understood immediately
  7. Their risk management processes and workflow are always on
  8. They can pivot and adapt instantly
  9. They can seamlessly integrate resultant data fast, from internal and external sources
  10. They have eliminated manual processes and spreadsheets from their work flow and reporting process

SRA Watchtower and Gartner are in alignment regarding the need for enterprise risk management as a requirement for financial institutions. As concerned citizens and tenured banking, data, technology, and regulatory professionals, our singular goal has been to inform the banking industry and allow them to enroll in our mission to make banks and financial institutions safe, sound and growing.

SRA Watchtower was designed and built to allow banks to weather any crisis, optimize their risk position and prosper in good and adverse economic and societal conditions.

Marc Caccavale
Managing Director, Education
Strategic Risk Associates  |  908.875.3602

Click on this link for Marc’s previous articles and essays.

RMA RIsk Maturity Framework

Powered by SRA Watchtower

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RMA RIsk Maturity Framework

Powered by SRA Watchtower

Take the self-assessment today to
measure your institutions risk maturity.
risk maturity framework