SRA Watchtower Adds Exogenous Risk Capabilities

SRA Watchtower Adds Exogenous Risk Capabilities

July 20, 2020

Richmond,Virginia, July 21 2020 - SRA Watchtower adds economic/sectoral risk scoring and assessment capabilities to further bolster its position as the leading integrated risk management platform.  

COVID 19 has disrupted conventional risk assessments for consumer and wholesale credit as short termepidemiological and long-term economic, business and credit impact are going to vary substantially across geographies and sectors. 

  • Will traditional credit scores of consumers and businesses cease to be as relevant in accurately reflecting credit prospects after the structural changes brought by COVID 19?
  • Will occupational risk play an important role in consumer credit risk assessments - necessitating an overhaul of data collection?
  • Will risk ratings produced by backward-looking wholesale credit rating models need to be overridden significantly, eventually necessitating rebuild of models?
  • Will allowance estimates produced by existing models need to be supplanted with significant qualitative adjustments?
  • Will college towns cease to be as resilient as they were in the past?
  • Will attractive M&A targets need to be reviewed in a different way than the past?  

Answers to most of these questions is a resounding “Yes”. But is your organization equipped to leverage insights into local economic trends and sectoral prospects to transform business strategy and risk management approaches? Will your institution be the disruptor rather than the one disrupted by changes brought about as a result of COVID19 

SRA Watchtower’s Credit Portfolio Management Group will provide an economic health assessment of 390 metro areas and a risk profile of 134 industries to aid our customers in:

  • Refining risk appetite framework
  • Assessing portfolio risks
  • Deploying meaningful stress testing frameworks
  • Reformulating business models
  • Refining corporate planning strategies for optimal risk adjusted returns  

Exogenous health scores will enhance SRA Watchtower’s capability to provide comprehensible  assessments of risk to Board executives and internal stakeholders.  SRA Watchtower's exogenous offerings will provide quantitative scores, KRIs, dashboards and narrative reports along with advisory services to refine portfolio risk strategies in addition to single name wholesale credit assessment processes.

About Strategic Risk Associates

Strategic Risk Associates is a national risk software and consulting firm.  SRA Watchtower associates are veteran bankers and former regulators.  Built for bankers, by bankers; SRA Watchtower's solution advances risk management and performance for executives and bank boards. Watchtower is designed to enable a strong risk culture and enable stable earnings growth.


Amitabh Bhargava CFA FRM CRC   

Sr Managing Director - Credit Portfolio Management



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