S1 | E22: Why Should Banks Under $1B in Assets Invest in ERM

S1 | E22: Why Should Banks Under $1B in Assets Invest in ERM

October 2, 2023

In a recent episode of the Risk Intel podcast, Ed Vincent is joined by Niki White, Chief Growth Officer at Strategic Risk Associates (SRA), to discuss the critical role of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) for banks with assets under $1 billion. The conversation sheds light on why these smaller banks should prioritize ERM and the tangible benefits it brings.

Why ERM Matters for Smaller Banks:

Niki White highlights several compelling reasons why banks under the billion-dollar asset mark should invest in ERM:

  1. Efficiency Enhancement: ERM streamlines risk management operations by breaking down silos and aggregating data. This efficiency is especially vital as banks adapt to dispersed working environments, including virtual setups.
  2. Risk Identification: ERM empowers banks to identify risks that may jeopardize their strategic objectives, budgets, and overall stability, regardless of their size.
  3. Effective Storytelling: ERM provides a comprehensive view of a bank's risk landscape, enabling clear and compelling communication with regulators, investors, stakeholders, and the internal management team.

Real-World Insights:

Niki shares anecdotes from recent conversations with proactive banks. These institutions are recognizing the necessity of establishing a risk infrastructure and providing them the ability to articulate their risk position. By doing so, they ensure they are well-prepared not only for discussions with regulators but also to ease board-level decision-making.

Proactive Preparation for Regulatory Milestones:

An essential takeaway from the episode is the importance of proactive preparation. As banks approach significant asset thresholds or other regulatory milestones, having identified parameters and action plans in place facilitates smooth transitions and productive conversations.


The Risk Intel podcast episode featuring Niki White offers a comprehensive exploration of why smaller banks should embrace ERM. It provides practical insights and advice, emphasizing the benefits of proactive risk management and the advantages it brings to smaller financial institutions.

By recognizing the value of ERM and its role in enhancing efficiency, risk identification, and effective communication, banks under $1 billion in assets can position themselves for success in an evolving financial landscape.

For more in-depth insights and real-world examples, be sure to tune in to this informative episode.

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